Luxury Oahu homes in the Waikiki/Kapahulu neighborhood in Honolulu. If you are looking for more information about Waikiki Condominium Homes, or other Luxury Oahu condos, click here. Search Honolulu Real Estate in More Neighborhoods
There are not many single family homes in Waikiki. Those that remain are sandwiched in between high-rsie condos and hotels. Occaisionally, you will see one for sale. Waikiki luxury homes consist mainly of condominium homes.
There are, however, some charming historic homes in Kapahulu which have been restored and are on larger sized lots. These do not come available often. Most of the homes in Kapahulu are charming, simple Hawaiian cottages that were built in the 30s and 40s, or homes have been torn down to make way for larger multi-family homes and investment properties. These are on smaller sized lots, 3,500-6,000 square feet, which makes the homes there generally more affordable.
Other than the old-style Hawaii, kama’aina character of the neighborhood, the LOCATION is what makes the Kapaulu area special. Kapiolani Park, with the Honolulu Zoo and Waikiki Shell, and the Waikiki Aquarium are just a few short blocks away, if that. The Kapahulu shopping and dining strip and Waikiki Beach and night-life are also close enough to walk. Due to location, many homes also have dramatic up-close views of Diamond Head and/or ocean views.