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Lanikai Surf Festival in Lanikai, Kailua - 2012

This Friday, October 19, 2012 through Saturday, October 20, 2012, don’t miss the Second Annual Lanikai Surf Festival. The Lanikai Surf Festival will be held in Lanikai Community Park in Kailua (corner of Aalapapa and Kaiolena) and benefits the Wounded Warrior Project (an organization to benefit injured service members), AccesSurf (an organization helping those with disabilities have access to ocean recreation and water sports), and the Lanikai Neighborhood Association.

The Lanikai Surf Festival is free of charge and open to the public. The Lanikai Surf Festival features surf gear and craft booths, surf films, food, and a Stand Up Paddle “SUP” race. On Friday evening, starting at 7:30 two surf films will be shown. The SUP race (entry fee $45) will start Saturday morning at 7:00 am for registration.

Vendors of surf-related products, gear and clothing, and crafts will show their wares at the craft and vendor exhibition from 10:00am-3:00pm on Saturday.

The 2012 Lanikai Surf Festival finishes up with two more films on Saturday evening, starting at 7:30pm


Friday, October 19, 2012: Morning of the Earth and Blue Horizon

Saturday, October 20, 2012: Come Hell or High Water and Free Ride

The Event Manager is Mark Librie of Kailua. Don’t miss this fun-filled Kailua Event in Lanikai Kailua!

lanikai kailua moonrise by tomas del amo kailua beach mokulua islandsLanikai Kailua Moonrise by Tomas del Amo

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