Home Shoppe Hawaii Supports Small Business Saturday

Support Your Local Oahu Independent Businesses This Holiday Season and Year-Round!As most of you probably know, tomorrow Saturday, November 24, 2012, is the 3rd Annual Small Business Saturday. This is a shopping promotion invented by American Express to help small businesses, by focusing on sending business their way, at least for a day, during the busiest shopping weekend of the year.
According to American Express, this day is, “a day for everyone – from the business owners who create jobs to the customers who buy locally – to support small businesses that invigorate the economy and keep communities thriving.”
The continued success of small businesses is important to the economy both locally, here on Oahu, and nationally. So instead of doing all of your holiday shopping at Big Box stores, why not Keep It Local and visit the independent businesses on Oahu, in your local communities of Honolulu, Kailua, Kaneohe, or Hawaii Kai or wherever you may be on Oahu?
Keeping It Local can apply to shopping for Oahu real estate brokerage services as well. Home Shoppe Hawaii is locally owned and is not affiliated with any national franchise or company — like Coldwell Banker or Century 21, who shares in every sale. When looking for Oahu real estate services, not only on Small Business Saturday, but year-around, go to Home Shoppe Hawaii, your independent, locally-owned and operated, and locally-focused Oahu real estate brokerage.
Not sure which other Oahu businesses near your qualify? Find out where to shop here.
To our independently-owned Oahu business friends and suppliers, and fellow members of the Kailua Chamber of Commerce, Home Shoppe Hawaii wishes you great success in this year’s Small Business Saturday!
Please contact Home Shoppe Hawaii for all your Oahu real estate needs: Honolulu Real Estate, Kailua Real Estate, Kaneohe Real Estate, Hawaii Kai Real Estate. Yvonne Ahearn, B08-721-8088.
All information on this site is believed to be reliable but is expressly not guaranteed. Blog Posts by various authors are the opinions of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the position of Home Shoppe Hawaii or other contributors. This blog does not give legal or tax advice and readers are encouraged to check with licensed professionals for advice on any specific topic and to verify any information herein. Questions? Please contact Yvonne Jaramillo Ahearn at 808-721-8088.