Kaneohe Street with Fabulous Christmas Lights and Kaneohe Home for Sale Too!

This year we took the Christmas trolley ride from my son’s school on a tour of several Kailua and Kaneohe streets with lots of Christmas lights and decorations. We carolled along the way to the sounds of a ukulele and songs led by the school’s music teacher. The ultimate destination was Namoku Street in Kaneohe. This is in the Pikoiloa neighborhood of Kaneohe, right next to the Windward City Shopping Center.
It’s a Christmas tradition for the residents of Namoku Street in Kaneohe to deck their Kaneohe real estate in more Christmas lights than I have ever seen (except on TV). Here are some examples:
What was interesting was that we saw a Kaneohe home for sale on this street. The address is 45-375 Namoku Street in Kaneohe. It was listed for $498,000, but the listing appears to now be expired.
We wondered if this Kaneohe street’s Christmas tradition was an attraction to buyers who might buy this Kaneohe home for sale or if it was a detraction from buying this Kaneohe real estate. What do you think? Would you want to move onto a street where all the neighbors decorate their homes like an Extreme Christmas episode on TV?
Please contact Home Shoppe Hawaii for all your Oahu real estate needs: Honolulu Real Estate, Kailua Real Estate, Kaneohe Real Estate, Hawaii Kai Real Estate. Yvonne Ahearn, B08-721-8088.
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