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Kailua Real Estate | Bluestone Sold Homes (First Half) 2013

Kailua Real Estate - Bluestone Neighborhood - 2013 Sold Homes

Sales in Bluestone Kailua condominiums were slow for a few years, but they’ve picked up quite a bit. Three townhomes have sold in Bluestone so far in 2013. All have sold in less than 30 days and one even sold for over $1M. This was a larger unit on the Kamahele side of Bluestone. The Kamahele side has features the Kaelepulu side of Bluestone does not have. For example, enclosed garages and unobstructed views. 

  Unit IntSqFt Bed/Ba Sale��Price DOM
358 Kaelepulu Dr 701 1,897 3/2 $793,000 18
352C Kalelpulu Dr 503 1,806 3/3 $850,000 5
1182 Kamahele St 2801 2,118 3/2 $1,050,000 27


For more information on Bluestone Kailua real estate, please visit our Kailua Real Estate - Bluestone Listings page or contact Yvonne Jaramillo Ahearn (B) REALTOR at 808-721-8088 or yvonne@HomeShoppeHawaii.com.

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