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Entries in honolulu public schools (3)


Oahu Public Schools - How Did They Rank? (Honolulu & Windward)


Oahu Public School Rankings 2016


Honolulu Magazine has released its 2016 rankings for public schools on Oahu and throughout Hawaii. How did the Oahu schools in your area rank? Honolulu Magazine’s public elementary school rankings for Honolulu and Windward Oahu (Schools in the Top 100) are as follows:




Diamond Head Area

5 Liholiho D Head Kapahulu/Kaimuki
6 Kahala D Head Waialae GC/Kahala/DiamondHead/
Black Point/Puu Panini
14 Aina Haina D Head Aina Haina/Waialae Iki/Hawaii Loa Ridge/Paiko Lagoon/Niu Valley
18 Hokulani D Head St Louis/University
37 Waialae Charter D Head Puu Panini/Wilhelmina/Kaimuki/
Maunalani Hts
95 Aiiiolani D Head Kaimuki/Palolo/St Louis


Hawaii Kai

40 Koko Head Hawaii Kai  
48 Hahahione Hawaii Kai  


Metro Honolulu

2 Manoa Metro Manoa Area
11 Waikiki  Metro Waikiki/Diamond Head
22 Noelani Metro Manoa/University/Judd Hillside
34 Royal Metro Downtown/Kakaako
56 Nuuanu Metro Nuuanu/Dowsett/Old Pali
83 Kaahumanu Metro  Makiki/Punchbowl/Kakaako/Ala Moana
92 Pauoa Metro Nuuanu/Pac hts/Pauoa Valley
98 Jefferson Metro Waikiki/Diamond Head/Kapahulu


North-West Honolulu    
13 Aliamanu North Salt Lake/Aliamanu/Halawa
82 Red Hill North Moanalua Area
89 Moanalua North Salt Lake/Moanalua Area
91 Makalapa North Halawa/Foster Village/Military
96 Salt Lake North Salt Lake

  West Honolulu
(West of Pali Hwy)
23 LIKELIKE West Liliha/Palama/Kapalama
41 MAEMAE West Alewa hts/Puunui/Nuuanu
43 LANAKILA West Liliha/Nuuanu/Kam Hts
45 KAPALAMA West Kapalama/Kam Hts
56 KALIHI UKA West Kalihi Area
80 PUUHALE West Kapalama/Kalhili




37 Kainalu Kailua  
46 Lanikai Charter Kailua  
48 Kaelepulu Kailua  
51 Keolu Kailua  
64 Maunawili Kailua  
76 Enchanted Lake Kailua  
93 Aikahi Kailua/Kaneohe
20 Kaneohe Kaneohe  
65 Ahuimanu Kaneohe  
86 Heeia Kaneohe  
62 Laie Laie  


For the full chart of 2016 Hawaii public elementary school rankings, which also looks at middle and high schools in the State of Hawaii, look to the Honolulu Magazine Public School Report at http://www.honolulumagazine.com/Hawaii-Public-School-Chart-2016/

As a REALTOR on Oahu, I am frequently asked about ranking the public schools on Oahu. What I can suggest is that you review reports such as these, ask friends and colleagues, and visit and speak with the Hawaii public schools themselves. Make your own assessment. These Oahu public school reports are just one tool to use and are not the definitive resouces on the quality of Oahu public schools. As I have stated before, how a child will do in school has much to do with his or her parents’ involvement in his or her education and whether the learning instutiton is a good fit for the child. Some children who attend Oahu public schools do as well or better than kids that attend private schools. And vice versa; attending a private school does not guarantee your child will do well or even attend college.  There are many factors to consider.



Top Leeward Oahu Schools - 2008 Best Public School Report

Out of the top 50 public schools in Hawaii, nine Leeward Oahu schools were listed in Honolulu Magazine’s recent rankings. In fact, the #1 Top-rated School in all of Hawaii was a Leeward Oahu school. This is the list:

#1 Momilani Elementary

#9 Palisades Elementary

#28 Manana Elementary

#29 Leihoku Elementary

#33 Holomua Elementary

#35 Iroquois Point Elementary

#49 Pearl City Highlands Elementary

Now that I mentioned Leeward Oahu, I should probably list the Central Oahu schools, as well. Ten (10) central Oahu schools were named in the Top 50 for all of Hawaii in the Honolulu Magazine Report.

#2 Mililani Mauka Elementary

#8 Mililani Ike Elementary

#14 Pearl Ridge Elementary

#24 Nimitz Elementary

#25 Webling Elementary

#30 Moanalua Elementary

#37 Waialua Elementary

#39 Moanalua Middle School (this is the second best rated Middle School on Oahu, Kaimuki Middle School, in the Honolulu Area is the only one rated higher)

#47 Moanalua High School (this is the top rated High School on Oahu)

See previous 2 posts for more Hawaii public school information and for the Honolulu and Windward Oahu lists.



Honolulu Magazine Rankings for Oahu Public Schools - 2008 Public Schools Report

It’s out again. The 4th annual list of Hawaii’s top public schools. This is a report on 258 public schools in Hawaii using DOE data, as well as satisfaction scores from parents, teachers and children.

According to this report, the two top rated public schools in Hawaii were #1 Momilani Elementary School, located in the Pearl City area, and #2 Mililani Mauka Elementary School, in Mililani, Central Oahu. Mililani Ike Elementary ranked #8 and Palisades Elementary in Leeward Oahu, ranked #9.

The top public schools in Honoulu (all were among the top 50 for the state) were:
#3 Noelani Elementary School (Manoa Area),
#4 Aina Haina Elementary School,
#5 Waikiki Elementary School,
#6 Ma’ema’e Elementary School(Alewa Heights),
#11 Hokulani Elementary School (University/St Louis),
#13 Nu’uanu Elementary School,
#15 Manoa Elementary School,
#16 Lanakila (Kamehameha Hts/Liliha),
#17 Koko Head Elementary School (Hawaii Kai),
#18 Kahala Elementary School,
#16 Ali’iolani Elementary (Palolo/Kaimuki),
#20 Wilson Elementary School (Waialae Nui/Kalana Iki),
#26 Kaimuki Middle School,
#36 Liholiho Elementary (Kaimuki), and
#42 Wailupe Valley Elementary School (Aina Haina).

Honolulu Magazine’s Top rated schools for Windward Oahu were:
#7 Sunset Beach Elementary School (Northshore),
#31 Kaelepulu Elementary School (Kailua)
#38 Enchanted Lake Elementary School (Kailua)
#40 Aikahi Elementary School (Kailua)
#44 Kainalu Elementary (Kailua) and
#46 Ka’a’awa Elementary School (Kaaawa/North Windward).

