Ka Malanai Kailua Condos Lottery Building 3 - March 29

Aloha ~ The second lottery for the Ka Malanai Kailua condominiums has been announced. This is for Building 3 Units. All of the condos of Ka Malanai’s third building will be offered at this time, except for one the top floor one bedroom unit #3303. That is a total of 20 units: eight (8) 3-bedroom units, ten (10) 2-bedroom units, and two (2) 1-bedroom units.
The lottery will be held Saturday March 29 at the Mid-Pacific Country Club at 10:00am. Refreshments served beginning at 9:30.
For the 30 days after each lottery release of units, those units are offered to Owner Ocuupants only. After thirty (30) days, the units are offered to Owner Non-Occupants/Investors.
As of 3/29, there are still some 2 and 3 bedroom units available to Owner Non-Occupants/Investors, as the 30 day wait period for the first lottery (Buildings 1 and 2) has passed.
If you are interested in the second lottery please contact me to make an appointment to register and notarize your Owner Occupant Affadavit at 808-721-8088. I will represent buyers in this project and do not represent the developer. Buyer representation is at no additional cost to you and prices are not affected by having buyer representation.
Floor plans for Ka Malanai and Prices for Ka Malanai are below.
Ka Malanai Floor Plans: http://www.homeshoppehawaii.com/blog/2014/1/3/ka-malanai-in-kailua-floor-plans-for-ironwoods-kailua-condom.html
Ka Malanai Prices for Building 3 Units (1 page)
Lottery Instructions (1 page)
Ka Malanai Lottery Registration Form (1 page)
Ka Malanai Notice of Lottery Form (3 pages)
Owner Occupancy Affadavit (3 pages)
If you would like to learn more about these beautiful new construction condos in Kailua, please do not hesitate to call me at 808-721-8088 or email me at kamalanai@homeshoppehawaii.com

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