Kailua Real Estate | Kukilakila Condominiums - 2012 Sold Homes

Kukilakila is one of 3 townhome-style developments in Kailua. It is actually a PUD or Planned Unit Development, rather than a condominium.
A PUD is a type of property ownership where individuals actually own the building or unit they live in, including their designated portion of land underneath the building they own, but common areas are owned jointly with the other members of the development or association.
In 2012, ten units sold in this complex. Sales in 2012 averaged $601,300 with 41 days on market and a list to sale price percentage of 98%. Kukilakila was built in the early 70’s, all of the units have garages and most have views of Kaelepulu pond aka Enchanted Lake. Photo Courtesy of HICentral MLS.
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